Friday, February 7, 2025

SciFi/Fantasy Book Review: The Ivory Tomb by Melissa Caruso

Full Disclosure: This book was read as an e-ARC (Advance Reader Copy) obtained via Netgalley from the publisher in advance of the book's release on December 6, 2022 in exchange for a potential review. I give my word that this did not affect my review in any way - if I felt conflicted in any way, I would simply have declined to review the book.

The Ivory Tomb is the final book in Melissa Caruso's Rooks and Ruin trilogy, which began with the Obsidian Tower and continued with The Quicksilver Court. The trilogy has followed Ryx, the Aethling (heir) to Morgrain, as she and the agents of the Rookery attempt to deal with the most dangerous of all magical disasters: the unleashing of the Nine Demons of legend upon the land with the help of foolish power hungry humans. It's been a really well written series, as usual for Caruso (whose prose I can devour really quickly), as it follows a protagonist who is rightfully afraid to unleash her deadly powers and instead tries to handle things through words and diplomacy even as things get more and more dangerous (I'm vastly oversimplifying to stay non-spoiling before the jump).

The Ivory Tomb is a very satisfying conclusion to the trilogy, as it follows Ryx and the Rookery trying to deal with both demons new (Carnage, Despair, and Corruption) and old (Hunger, Discord, and Death). Moreover, it deals with Ryx trying to figure out a new status quo through it all that will allow there to be peace...and such that it won't put Ryx against those she loves, especially given Ryx's new understanding of her own powers. It's a very easy book to read, with some solid/interesting themes, and even if it doesn't go super deep, the mix of likable characters and fun ideas and scenes makes this one a very enjoyable read that I consumed in a single day.

Spoilers for Books 1 and 2 are inevitable below - I've been vague up to this point, but will stop after the jump:

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

SciFi/Fantasy Book Review: The Knife and the Serpent by Tim Pratt


Full Disclosure: This book was read as an e-ARC (Advance Reader Copy) obtained via Netgalley from the publisher in advance of the book's release on June 11, 2024 in exchange for a potential review. I give my word that this did not affect my review in any way - if I felt conflicted in any way, I would simply have declined to review the book.

 The Knife and the Serpent is the latest novel from author Tim Pratt. Pratt is an author who I don't think is super known but whom I've read a lot over the last few years. Pratt, a genderfluid author, generally writes some really fun and often quirky sci-fi featuring often zany, space opera, and/or multiversal protagonists who usually find themselves in situations well beyond their expectations. I've never not at least been amused by his books (even his tie-in Twilight Imperium stuff is great and I don't play that game), and the only negative I can say about his works is that I've found his conclusions to multi book series underwhelming. But that isn't really a problem with The Knife and the Serpent, which is a stand alone novel in and of itself.

It might also be my favorite Pratt novel too. The novel is very queer - it's most important protagonist, Glenn is genderqueer - and also very much in a kinky relationship with his girlfriend Viv...which is very relevant to the plot and themes (dealing with consent, relationships, control, and of course the fight against fascism) even if the novel goes any specific intimate descriptions of their sex acts. And it features not just Glenn's romance with Viv, which takes a turn when it turns out Viv is a secret agent for a multiversal force that fights against fascist agents throughout the multiverse, but also the really well story of his ex Tamsin....who turns out to be the last member of a ruling family of another world and decides upon learning that that she should take pack power and control. It's a short novel, but it really does feel somewhat complete, is always a fun blast, and handles some tropes and ideas other books don't nearly use as well, so I'd highly recommend it.

More after the Jump:

Friday, January 31, 2025

SciFi/Fantasy Book Review: The Last Dragon of the East by Katrina Kwan


Full Disclosure: This book was read as an e-ARC (Advance Reader Copy) obtained via Netgalley from the publisher in advance of the book's release on October 8, 2024 in exchange for a potential review. I give my word that this did not affect my review in any way - if I felt conflicted in any way, I would simply have declined to review the book.

The Last Dragon of the East is a fantasy romance (kinda) novel written by Katrina Kwan, a Chinese Canadian author, and is inspired by different Chinese myths - most notably that of the Red Thread of Fate that connects every person to their own "fated one" (soulmate). The book follows Sai, a young man who lives with his sick mother and can see people's Red Threads of Fate and who helps other people with that power by matching them up with their fated ones. Except Sai's own thread is mysteriously gray and frayed and when he is forced by the powerful Emperor out on a dangerous journey to find a legendary green dragon, Sai finds that his own thread is connected to that very same green dragon.

The result is a story that is really delightful, weaving in bits and parts of other Chinese Myths, an adventure to escape from the dangerous corrupt Emperor, and of course a romance between Sai and the Green Dragon Jyn. I said "kinda" romance above, because there really isn't the classic romance arc you usually see in a usual romance (Jyn and Sai are fated to be together as we know from the start after all), but the romance that we have here is very charming and enjoyable, helped along by Sai's voice and the excellent writing of Kwan. There are bits and parts here and there that are predictable and might not really make much sense if you think about it too hard, but I was so charmed by this novel that I didn't really mind.

More specifics after the jump:

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

SciFi/Fantasy Book Review: The Fox Wife by Yangsze Choo


The Fox Wife is a new novel by Malaysian Chinese author Yangsze Choo, who previously received acclaim for her novels "The Ghost Bride" and "The Night Tiger". I'd only read the Night Tiger but I didn't quite love its tale that sort of featured a Chinese kind of Magical Realism and a couple of main characters whose plots didn't really intersect. That said, when a couple of my favorite authors gushed about a new book from Choo, I couldn't resist giving this book a try.

And The Fox Wife is a really interesting tale that is certainly both more overtly fantastical and a little more cohesive, featuring two main characters whose plotlines more expressly intersect: a fox woman named Snow who is seeking revenge on a human photographer and an older human man Bao who is an investigator who can always tell lies and is on an investigation in which that photographer's name and foxes keeps popping up. Set in the year 1908 and largely in China (other than flashbacks and a trip to Japan), the story features a trio of foxes with differing temperments, humans from different social classes and locales (rural vs urban), superstitions affecting families for generations, and people acting in a time where great change in rulership is on the horizon. And with its two pretty good main characters, Bao and Snow, we have a tale of regret about choices in their pasts - some they made deliberately, some they made because society made them - that haunts them until events here force them to come to terms with them (kinda). There's a lot here, and it's hard to explain, but I'll try more after the jump.

Monday, January 27, 2025

SciFi/Fantasy Book Review: Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros


It's hard to remember a fantasy novel more hyped in the national press than Fourth Wing.  The book, a romantic fantasy* novel, has even resulted in news articles proclaiming the birth of a "new" genre they've called "Romantasy", which really is a longstanding fantasy romance or romantic fantasy genre that fans in the know have enjoyed for years and years at this point.  But apparently it took this book, often described as combining romance with dragons, and some help promoting it (thank you BookTok) to really bring the genre to mainstream attention.  And so I couldn't help but be curious to see how the book itself was, even if I haven't really been a big fan of some of say BookTok's favorite other SF/F books (although just to be clear, this is not a self-published novel like some of those other BookTok discoveries).  

*You may note I list this as a "Romantic Fantasy" novel and NOT a "Fantasy Romance".  This is deliberate as romance novels are required to have a Happy Ever After or Happy For Now Ending.  Fourth Wing does not have that, but it is the first book of a trilogy so it's likely the series will end that way...but it doesn't really fit the definition for those seeking JUST a romance novel.  

And well, my thoughts on Fourth Wing are....mixed.  On one hand, the book is immensely predictable, features a romance that is just okay (the sex scenes are enjoyable if not super remarkable), and features a plot setup that feels like lazy dark fantasy writing: we have a government (probably hiding bad things) that establishes its dragon riding armies by having potential recruits face a training schedule that can not only get them killed...but also allows their fellow recruits to kill them as long as they follow nit-picky rules and thus promotes people being utter pscyhopaths, which makes little sense to go along with a bunch of other things in the setting.  But the main character Violet, who is forced by her general mother to undergo this training rather than be a scribe even though she is frail of body (with a possible weakened bone condition?), is very easy to root for and care about, and the writing style is very readable, such that it is kind of easy to get sucked in by the time you get through the book's first third (honestly, the beginning is rather rough).  So yeah, I can see why this book obtained a pretty large following, even if it's not nearly as good as many other books in the genre: it's fine, solid romantic fantasy.

More specifics after the jump: 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

SciFi/Fantasy Book Review: The Thief by G.S. Jennsen


The Thief is a stand alone self published Sci-Fi novel from prolific author G.S. Jennsen. The novel is the 20th novel in Jennsen's shared space opera Amaranthe Universe and it features as its protagonist (I think) a side character from earlier books, even if the story itself is entirely stand alone and can be read without foreknowledge. This is a book entered into this year's Self Published Science Fiction Competition (#SPSFC4) and is at least Jennsen's second book that she's entered into an edition of this competition: Jennsen had previously entered an earlier book, Exin Ex Machina, into the SPSFC2 competition I also Judged, and I found that book to be solid if unexciting sci-fi. So I was curious to see how this more recent book in the series would play out.

And well, The not great. The story is centered around Eren Savitas, who is essentially an interstellar spy for a multi species alliance, and who stows aboard an alien spaceship to catch a thief, only to find himself trying to stop a mysterious weapon from destroying that whole previously unknown alien species. The story's setting relies upon some premises that defy belief and more importantly, rely upon Eren essentially being the perfect spy/agent who can almost never do wrong, with the exception of some moments during a really badly done and cliche romance subplot with Eren's superior. There are some attempts at dealing with the now classic theme of stopping the cycles of revenge and violence here that aren't bad, but mostly this book struggles to maintain any source of tension that anything will go wrong for our hero or to make his actions to save the day actually intriguing. The result is a novel that features very readable prose but a plot I just rolled my eyes repeatedly at.

More after the jump:

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

SciFi/Fantasy Book Review: I'm Afraid You've Got Dragons by Peter S. Beagle


Full Disclosure: This book was read as an e-ARC (Advance Reader Copy) obtained via Netgalley from the publisher in advance of the book's release on May 14, 2024 in exchange for a potential review. I give my word that this did not affect my review in any way - if I felt conflicted in any way, I would simply have declined to review the book.

I'm Afraid You've Got Dragons is a new novel by legendary Fantasy Author Peter S. Beagle (of The Last Unicorn fame). The novel features multiple point of view characters but largely focuses upon Robert, a man who has taken over his father's trade of dragon extermination (dragons being usually about as big as cats or dogs in this world and largely being pests who hole up in places. But Robert feels a connection with dragons - seemingly being able to understand them - and sees them as creatures he would rather save than kill and would rather do anything else if he could. Naturally when he gets roped into the affairs of a prince who is forcibly being sent to adventure by his valet and a princess who wants to get the prince to love her and he sees a chance to leave the dragon extermination procession by helping them....things go very very differently than he expects.

It's a world with dragons - both the small pest like type and the large scary type - and wizards and royalty and commoners and it's done quite well, with all of its main characters being pretty well sketched out and enjoyable. The first half of the story almost feels more like a comedy, due to the hilarious bits of misunderstanding between all the royal main characters - Prince Reginald just wants to kind of find adventure and has no interest in marriage or princely duties, his valet Mortmain wants desperately to make him act like a prince and aims to betroth him to the Princess, the Princess Cerise wants Reginald to love her as he's the only prince who seems genuine....etc. etc. It's all rather amusing and then around the midway point we switch to a story dealing with fantasy adventure, large dragons, and an evil wizard...which is itself fun and interesting but doesn't quite stand out as well and kind of feels very generic and ends rather abruptly, to the point I had to reread the ending twice to make sure I hadn't missed a plot point. The result is a book that's enjoyable and yet isn't quite either the heartwarming or fun fantasy adventure or screwball royal comedy it seemed poised to be.