Hugo Award voting is open and will continue through the August 11, 2022. For those of you new to the Science Fiction/Fantasy genre, the Hugo Award is one of the most prominent awards for works in the genre, with the Award being given based upon voting by those who have paid for at least a Supporting Membership in this year's WorldCon. As I did the last five (wow, 5!) years, I'm going to be posting reviews/my-picks for the award in the various categories I feel qualified in, but feel free to chime in with your own thoughts in the comments.
This is the second part of this series. You can find all the parts of this series, going over each category of the Hugo Awards HERE.
Today I'm going over the nominees for Best Short Story, which covers works of fewer than 7500 words long. This year, as is frequent, the nominees are all available for free online, so I'll try to link them below as I discuss them. It's a really strong ballot, which makes this one incredibly hard to order, especially as we have a mix of types of stories - one enjoyable tie-in story (to Magic the Gathering), one creepy horror story, a couple of bittersweet stories, and well, others that aren't so easily categorizable: we even have one story that was actually a twitter thread at first.
But after the jump I'll try.